Senin, 15 Maret 2010

Frustrated pet owners! If you want to obedience train your dog now, and stop him from relieving himself on your carpet, chewing up your designer shoes, nipping at your guests and a whole lot more,

Are you frustrated by your disobeying dog who poops and pees all over the house, chews up everything in sight and jumps on every guest? Or do you have a new puppy but don’t know where to begin with potty and obedience training?
If you're like many dog owners, you're looking for (immediate) relief. Your experience is not unique. Believe me! For example, if your dog is...
Pooping all over the house...
Chewing on your shoes...
Nipping at your kids...
Peeing on your carpet...
Rushing out of the house at the first sight of daylight...
Jumping on guests...
Fleeing the backyard...
... And generally just driving you absolutely crazy!

You Need Help And You Need It Fast!

Friends, family and even strangers might even start calling you "The Dog Whisperer" when they see and hear the amazing things your dog can do! Imagine your dog being known and loved by everyone in the neighborhood. And I'm not just saying that because it sounds good, look what one happy owner had to say after she started using the system:

"I got your book a couple of months ago and loved it. I learned a lot, and my adopted puppy Suzy, a 6-month old shepherd/hound mix, already knows all the commands: come, sit, stay, heel, and all the rest. My family and friends were amazed at how quickly I trained her. Thanks for writing this easy to follow book."

— Priscilla Flynn, Randolph, MA

And here's what a former pet store owner had to say:

"Your book has helped me tremendously ― and my shepherd Libby too. I think it has given me more patience with her and a better understanding of how to train her with love instead of constant scolding.
"I owned and operated a pet shop and pet supply store in Detroit for 25 years
and have seen and heard all sorts of ways to train. I have also owned 3 Shepherds
in the past and this is by far the best training method I have come across.
Thank you SO much!"

— Jeannie Ressler, Yellville, AR

Imagine ... when you walk your dog on a leash, he doesn’t pull and tug you around the block. You stay in control. Your dog not only follows you but even enjoys obeying your every command! Imagine your dog galloping over to you, tail wagging, every time you call.

When you ask him to sit and stay. He does.
When you ask him to lie down and stay, he does. Every time.
When you’re out for a walk and come to a street crossing, your dog sits patiently at the curb, and waits to heel by your side across the street.
When you get to the other side, he only takes off after you give him a command letting him know he’s free to walk or run on his own.
Sound lnteresting? This can be your dog too!
And you know what's even better ...